Gastroenterology Practice
Comprehensive Approach
Our practice encompasses all aspects of digestive disease: disorders of the esophagus, the stomach, the small and large intestine; disorders of the liver; and disorders of the pancreas and of the biliary system. A comprehensive approach to the diagnosis and treatment of digestive disease is fundamental. The digestive organs are intimately connected. Their interrelationships are complex, and in disease states, disruptions must be thoroughly investigated and properly diagnosed.
We work closely with general practitioners, internists, medical subspecialists, and surgeons to provide our patients with convenient, optimal care.
The practice of gastroenterology involves the use of many tests, primarily endoscopic procedures. Endoscopy enables direct viewing of a large portion of the gastrointestinal tract and is used both for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Endoscopy is highly accurate in the hands of a properly trained and experienced specialist.
Though important, endoscopy is not a substitute for a medical evaluation. We believe that each patient is entitled to a full evaluation and the rendering of a medical opinion.
Education & Evaluation
We educate our patients about their condition whether it is simple (e.g. irritable bowel, hemorrhoids) or complex (e.g. recurrent pancreatitis, chronic active hepatitis). Both the physician and his trained staff participate in the education process. You are encouraged to ask questions. At the end of your evaluation, we will provide you and the physician who referred you with a complete report describing findings, treatment, and any recommendations for follow-up.
Please call 330.372.7470 during business hours to schedule an appointment.
Our physicians and his staff may be reached after hours and on weekends for any emergencies. Please call the office number: 330.372.7470. Your call will be forwarded to the answering service. We ask that you reserve non-emergencies for regular business hours.
Our physicians have privileges in both of Warren’s hospitals: Trumbull Memorial Hospital and St. Joseph Health Center.
We are a member of most plans. We also accept assignment for Medicare and Medicaid.
News & Events with Dr. Naffah
Our Doctors

Dr. Farid Naffah
Dr. Rony Awaida

Our Staff
Barbara Steinbeck
Office Manager
Susan Hanshaw, RN
Clinical Director
2021- Healthcare worker vaccine mandate
Dear Attorney General Yost,
I applaud your decision to make Ohio a a participant in the multi-state lawsuit.....
2016 - Quality Affordable Care, the Leitmotif
Deep cuts and deterioration in the provision of care have been dressed up in baubles. CLICK HERE TO READ
2016 - Letter to Reince Priebus
A plea to the Republican Party in the throes of the 2016 presidential campaign. CLICK HERE TO READ
2010 Is Obamacare the solution? Doctors are concerned
The commitment to our patients is the guiding principle of our profession. Tragically, the Affordable Care Act abrogated that commitment. We therefore had an obligation to inform our patients of that fact. CLICK HERE TO READ
2012 - The Risks and Perils of Obamacare
The article was published on the eve of President Obama’s 2012 reelection. It denounces the true intent of the Affordable Care Act and decries its consequences. It received national attention. - CLICK HERE TO READ
The Risks and Perils of Obamacare
"The Risks and Perils of Obamacare" appeared in the following publications:
The Tribune Chornicle, Warren, OH 10/14 & 11/4/12
The Vindicator, Youngtown, OH 10/14 & 11/4/12
The Daily Caller, 10/19/12 Click Here to Read
Fox News, 10/19/12, Megyn Kelly and Dr. Marc Siegel
Fox Business, 10/22/12 interviewed by Gerri Willis on the The Willis Report program.
2013 Colonoscopy - Facts the NY Times Omitted - NY Times
On June 2, 2013, the New York Times published an article: Colonoscopies Explain Why U.S. Leads the World in Health Expenditures - NYTimes.com. CLICK HERE TO READ ARTICLE
The author chose colonoscopy as a case study. Facts are misrepresented and the article seems like a veiled preparation for the anticipated rationing of medical services in the context of the Affordable Care Act. Since then other articles have appeared, in the Washington Post and USA Today, denouncing payments to physicians for procedures such as colonoscopy.
2015 - Letter on colonoscopy reimbursement cuts
In the summer of 2015, CMS (Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services) announced “proposed cuts in reimbursement for colonoscopy”. The proposed cuts reached a whopping 19%. Along with other measures adopted in the context of the Affordable Care Act, such cuts contribute to crippling independent practices and forcing physicians into hospital employment. Sadly, the denunciation of that ruling by our professional associations amounted to little more than condolences. As predicted, the proposed cuts were ratified, albeit with a meager reduction, now reaching 17%.